Orientation – Xerox 701P21091 User Manual
Page 63

PDL principles and procedures
Using LCDS Print Description Language
Logical page
A “logical page” is a user defined page image that is bordered by
Top of Form and Bottom of Form and left and right margin
specifications. Up to 63 logical pages can be defined on a
physical page.
NOTE: You are not able to specify right margins on logical
pages. The right margin size is determined by the left margin and
the line length.
“Edgemarking” occurs when text or graphics are printed outside
the physical sheet, giving the appearance of printing on the edge
of the paper. (Refer to the OUTPUT OSTK command description
in the “Specifying print format parameters” chapter, for more
information on edgemarking.)
NOTE: Edgemarks must start within the system page, although
they may print mostly outside the page boundaries.
Elements that do
not print
Elements of a page, that is, text and graphics, may begin at the
edge of the physical page and may even extend off the page.
However, if any part of a printed element begins off the system
page, then no part of the element is imaged.
If a line of variable data begins off the system page, no part of
the line is printed.
A ruled line must originate inside the system page in order for
the line to print.
If a ruled line begins off the system page, no part of the line is
There are two types of text orientation on a page:
The vertical and horizontal positions for each of these
orientations are shown in the following figures.