Vfu command: points to note – Xerox 701P21091 User Manual
Page 350

Specifying print format parameters
Using LCDS Print Description Language
parameter: point
to note
If the value that is specified in the TOF parameter is greater than
or equal to the BOF (Bottom Of Form) value, the TOF value is set
to 1.
VFU command: points to note
For all PCCTYPEs except ANSI and user defined PCCs, the
prejob page alignment is with TOF in the expectation that the
first carriage control parameter of the job will be Print and
Space One Line, or something similar.
Page overflow occurs when spacing to the next line causes
the BOF line number to be exceeded. Page transition occurs,
and line spacing continues from the TOF line number. (Xerox
carriage control is an exception to this processing.)
Any channel operation encountered during printing for an
unassigned channel causes a Print And Space 1 Line
operation. This operation occurs even though some vendor
formats normally specify the default as a Space 1 Line And
Print operation.
Multiple line numbers may be assigned to the same channel
number. This simulates the vertical tabbing feature of an
impact line printer where a Skip to Channel parameter
causes transition to the next punched hole in the specified
channel of the paper tape. This paper tape, which controls
the printer, facilitates spacing a fixed number of lines down
the print page. There may be multiple punches in any vertical
format channel on the impact printer tape.
A Skip to Channel parameter sent to the printing system
causes it to select the next line number in the PCC ASSIGN
list (for that channel) larger than the current line number.
Page transition and alignment to the first line number in the
list occur if no line number is larger than the current line.
Table 4-97. VFU TOF parameter options and definitions
Specifies the number of lines from the top of the logical page to the first print
line (top of form). The TOF specification is independent of channel
assignments. It should be greater than or equal to 1, and less than or equal to
the smallest line number assigned to a channel.