Xerox 701P21091 User Manual
Page 433

Using PDL commands for graphics
Using LCDS Print Description Language
No online banner page (neither header nor trailer) may
include graphic references.
A JDE that is selected with the JDE DJDE or JDL DJDE may
not specify GRAPHICS=NO if the current report has already
processed at least one graphic. (The GRAPHICS=NO
specification is ignored.)
In online Batch mode, PCC commands are ignored beginning
is processed.
If RPAGE is used to move a logical page from one physical
page to another, graphic references are handled as follows:
Graphic references encountered after the record that
satisfied the RPAGE statement are imaged on the physical
page to which the logical page is moved. Any other image
references are applied to the physical page being formed at
the time the RPAGE statement was satisfied. For example, if
RPAGE WHEN=TOP is specified, it is possible for a graphic
to appear on physical page n, even though text that may
have preceded its reference in the input data stream appears
on physical page n+1.
NOTE: Use caution when using RPAGE with page
interleaved graphics.
A document interleaved graphic replaces an existing graphic
with the same name. This is true even if the existing graphic
is used in a report that is being printed.
Forms are not supported for Batch mode processing.