Xerox 701P21091 User Manual
Page 357

Using Dynamic Job Descriptor Entries (DJDEs)
Using LCDS Print Description Language
DJDE operator information pages
The specification OPRINFO=YES in the JDE specifies that the
DJDE records will be printed and sent to the output bin at the
next page transition after an END command. The DJDE records
are printed on a separate page from the report data. However,
no page formatting occurs and DJDEs in long records are
truncated at the end of the physical page boundary.
You can use comments in the DJDE for operator notification or
output routing instructions in conjunction with the OPRINFO
parameter. These information pages are printed and delivered to
the bin regardless of the OPRINFO parameter if the DJDE
contains an error, unless you disable the information pages on
the user interface Queue Manager windows.
Messages on
Error messages. Error messages are printed on the
OPRINFO pages, close to where the errors occurred. These
messages indicate syntax errors and unsupported DJDEs,
and give the initial character position of the invalid text string
or DJDE coding.
Missing END command or page boundary. The following
message is automatically printed on an OPRINFO page at
the end of a report if the END parameter or a page boundary
is not detected:
The following conditions produce the message.
No END parameter is found in the DJDE.
No complete page boundary was found before the end of
the report; that is, at the end of report there were some
DJDEs that had not yet been applied.
Duplex processing
of OPRINFO pages
When the system is printing duplex, the text for OPRINFO pages
in printed only on the front side of the sheet. Each OPRINFO
page is processed as duplex page with a blank back. The blank
side is counted as a printed sheet by the system in its statistics
for the duplex report.
In a job for which OPRINFO was specified, if DJDEs are
included at the page boundary of the front side of a duplex page,
the DJDE data skips the back side of the sheet and is printed on
the front of the next sheet.