ZyXEL Communications Prestige 128IMH User Manual
Page 65

Prestige 128IMH ISDN Modem/ Router/Hub
Internet Access
From the Main Menu, enter option Internet Access Setup to go to Menu 4 - Internet Access
Setup, as displayed below. The following table contains instructions on how to configure your
Prestige for Internet access.
Figure 3-3 Menu 4 – Internet Access Setup
Table 3-4 Internet Access Setup Menu Fields
ISP’s Name
Enter the name of your Internet Service Provider, e.g., myISP.
This information is for identification purposes only.
Enter the IP Address of the remote gateway at the ISP’s site. If
you don’t have this data, just leave it blank.
Pri Phone and Sec
Phone Number
Both the Primary and the Secondary Phone number refer to the
number that the Prestige dials to connect to the ISP.
My Login Name
Enter the login name given to you by your ISP.
My Password
Enter the password associated with the login name above.
Menu 4 - Internet Access Setup
ISP's Name= myISP
Pri Phone #= 1234
Sec Phone #=
My Login= JohnDoe
My Password= ********
Single User Account= Yes
IP Addr=
Telco Options:
Transfer Type= 64K
Multilink= Off
Idle Timeout= 300
Enter here to CONFIRM or ESC to CANCEL: