Save and recall, Set analog programming level – Xantrex Technology XTR 850 Watt User Manual

Page 186

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Remote Operation




[:]SENSe[]:INTerlock[:STATe] {?|ON|OFF}


ON enables the use of interlock protection.

OFF disables the use of interlock protection.

Save and Recall

The save and recall of user settings can be done using commands as well
as at the front panel. Executing the save and recall commands will have
the same outcome as following the procedure outlined in “Saving User
Setting Memory Locations” on page 3–28
and “Recalling User Setting
Memory Locations” on page 3–29.


[:]SYSTem[]:SAVE {}

[:]SYSTem[]:RECall {}


is any integer between 1 and 3. The value corresponds
to you the setting to be operated on.

Set Analog Programming Level

Setting the analog programming level is used to define the range from 0 to
the level that will be input into the analog programming lines to control
the output. The command is equivalent to the procedure described in
“Analog Programming Mode” on page 4–9.



[:VOLTage][:ISOLated] {?|}


[:VOLTage] {?|}


The Interlock alarm cannot be masked or latched through the

alarm protection mechanisms. It can only be enabled or disabled using the
following command.