Duplicating, copying, moving, and deleting jobs – Xerox Digital copier printers User Manual
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Using the Fiery XJ Spooler
in the Fiery XJ Spooler Preferences dialog box; when you want to view updated
information in the Fiery XJ Spooler windows, choose Update from the Window menu
or click the Update icon.
Confirm file deletion—Select this if you want a confirmation dialog box to appear
before you delete a file.
If you selected Manual updating in the Preferences window, choose Update from the
Window menu to update the information in the Fiery XJ Spooler window.
To display information about a different Fiery SI, choose Open from the File menu.
The Chooser window appears.
Select the Fiery SI in the Chooser.
The Fiery XJ Spooler main window appears and displays information about the
Fiery SI you selected.
You can move between Fiery XJ Spooler windows by choosing the Fiery SI name
in the Window menu. You can move between the Job Log and Main windows for a
server by choosing them in the Window menu. You can also use the Cascade option in
the Window menu to organize windows on your Desktop.
Choose Close from the File menu to close the connection to the current Fiery SI;
choose Quit (Macintosh) Exit (Windows) from the File menu to quit the Fiery XJ
Duplicating, copying, moving, and deleting jobs
Macintosh, Windows 95, and Windows NT users can move, delete, and configure
their own print jobs; the Fiery SI system administrator (or anyone with Fiery XJ
Spooler Password access) can move, delete, and configure jobs for all users, and can re-
order jobs within a queue. Windows 3.x users can delete, configure, and move jobs
between queues. The Fiery SI system administrator (or anyone with Fiery XJ Spooler
Password access) can re-order jobs within a queue.
You can move your jobs from the Hold queue and the Printed queue to the Print
queue. If, for example, you frequently print the same file, you can send it to the Hold
queue and later drag a copy of the file to the Print queue. By copying rather than
moving a job, you leave a copy of the job in the Hold queue so that you can print the
job again later. You can also duplicate a job if you want to have multiple copies of a job
in the same queue.