Index – Xerox Digital copier printers User Manual
Page 137

activity light on Control Panel 1-2
Adobe Font Downloader 5-1
Adobe Photoshop xiii, xiv
transfer functions 5-7
Adobe PostScript Printer Driver
Macintosh 2-1
Windows 3-2
ADOBEPS.DRV 3-2, 3-3, 3-6
Adobe Type 1 fonts 3-8
Advanced Options dialog box, Windows 3-8
Alert Status screen 1-3
All Colors to Black option 3-8
AppleTalk 2-1
AutoCal 6-10
automatic calibration 6-10
automatic paging 5-25
Background Printing 2-1
Brightness option
in Fiery XJ Downloader 5-7
in Macintosh Print Options dialog
box D-2
buttons, Control Panel 1-2
bypass tray 2-4, 3-14
CALIB.EPS file 6-30
Calibrated RGB option 4-5
control panel 6-10, 6-11
custom curves 6-27
editing 6-22
measurements files 6-2
problem with out-of-range values C-9
removing 6-13, 6-32
scheduling 6-3
target files 6-2
understanding 6-2
downloading 5-7
printing 1-3, 5-15
processing 1-4, 5-15
scanning 4-5
Chooser, Macintosh 2-1, C-2
cleaning server xiii
CMYK Color Reference pages
Macintosh 2-5, 2-6
Windows 3-15, 3-16
CMYK file 2-6
CMYK— file 3-16
color, problems C-8 file 2-6
Color Charts pages
Macintosh 2-6
printing from LCD 1-5
Windows 3-16
color control (Windows 95) 3-13
Color Conversion option in Fiery XJ
Color Mode option D-2
Color Reference pages
Macintosh 2-5
Windows 3-15
color rendering dictionaries
see Rendering Style option
Configuration page, printing 1-5
Confirm file deletion option 5-17
Control Panel
calibration 6-10, 6-11
server 1-1
status messages 1-3
Control Panel Map, printing 1-5
Copier Mode option D-2
copies, specifiying D-2
copying jobs in Fiery XJ Spooler 5-19
see Rendering Style option