3 uni performance data screen (supports 3.0 only) – Zhone Technologies 600 User Manual
Page 85
Server Cards
ATM Card
ACS-ATM Card User Screens and Settings
UNI Performance Data Screen (Supports 3.0 only)
The ACS-ATM card accumulates UNI statistics to show the ATM-layer performance
characteristics of this port. To access the UNI Performance Data Screen, press “p” in the
ACS-ATM Card Main Screen (Perf command). Figure 4-3 shows a typical UNI Performance
Data Screen, and Table 4-5 lists the actions you can perform from it.
The performance data is kept by 15-minute (900-second) time increments for a total of 96
periods (24 hours). Each screen shows the current 15-minute segment and the past 12 periods
with totals at the bottom of the column. Additional performance screens are accessed by
selecting aal0, Vbr, or cEs. Press “d” to scroll backward through the previous 96 periods.
After each period, the oldest 15-minute segment (after 24 hours) is discarded. Since this data
is not accumulated in real time, you must press “r” (Refresh) periodically to obtain up-to-date
statistics on all performance screens.
Figure 4-3. Typical UNI Performance Data Screen