Zhone Technologies 600 User Manual
Page 126
Server Cards
Model No.
Running Head
ISDN-PRI Card User Screens and Settings
The State setting determines the status of each D channel. The available options are stdby,
conf or actv.
As with most other cards in the system, the stdby (standby) setting keeps the resource to
which it is associated (in this case, the associated D channel) in inactive mode. When a D
channel is in stdby, it does not use any system resources such as B channels or processor time
on the ISDN PRI server card.
When a D channel is in actv (active) state, all B channels are reserved, and the system attempts
to maintain its D channel session with the other end (e.g. switch or PBX) of the D channel. If
the D channel loses contact with the other end when it is in the active state, a D channel alarm
will be generated.
Because there are times when users want to temporarily suspend the D channel session with
the other end (e.g., when adding additional B channels to the system), but do not want to lose
all the D channel settings already completed (see caution below), a third state has been added
to the D channels on the ISDN PRI card. The conf (configure) state is used to initially
configure the D channel and to change the configuration later.
When a D channel is in the configure state, it does not attempt to maintain a protocol session
with the far end. Also, B channels assigned to a D channel that is in the configure state are
reserved for the D channel, and thus are not available to other D channels nor to other system
modules (e.g. user ports or cross-connect) that might want to use them as DS0s. The only ways
to free up B channels taken by a D channel in configure state is to free each resource
individually, or to put the D channel back into standby state.
When a D channel that is either in actv (active) or conf (configure) state is returned to standby
state, Interface ID and BMap settings are lost and returned to their default values. Thus,
caution should be exercised before returning a D channel to standby state.
The WAN setting shows the WAN link carrying this D channel. In standard applications (23B
+ D), the WAN link will be the same as the WAN link carrying the B channels. In NFAS
applications, this may not be the case.