3 frs circuits screen – Zhone Technologies 600 User Manual

Page 36

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Server Cards

Model No.

Running Head

ACS-FRS Card User Screens and Settings

FRS Card


FRS Circuits Screen

The FRS Circuits Screen allows you to identify PVC endpoints and alternate PVCs to serve
as backups to the original endpoints if the main link fails. Endpoints must be inventoried on
the PVC Endpoints Screen before they can be used to set up backup circuits.
Figure 2-4
shows a typical Circuits Screen, and Figure 2-5 is an endpoint circuit example. Table 2-4 lists
the actions you can perform from the bottom of this screen.

Figure 2-4.Typical Circuits Screen

Currently the FRS is limited to 128 circuits connecting 256 endpoints. The Integrated Access
System is required to serve a maximum of 8 EBTS units, each having a total of 16 channels.
Each EBTS can be address by three different IP addresses. Each IP address represents a
specific type of service. Each of the services: signaling, messing, and NMS will be addressed
EBTS by a different IP address. The IP router card will encapsulate IP Datagrams for each
service with a unique DLCI value. The IP frames are self-contained in that channel
information is embedded in the data of the datagram.

The total of 152 circuits will be required for both voice and IP circuits. Even though the
maximum number of circuits for a single FRS card could be expanded to accommodate the
needed number. When using two FRS cards, 64 circuits per card can be used as IP circuits after
64 circuits have been used as voice circuits.