Xerox 432 User Manual
Page 266

Page 9-18
Xerox Document Centre 440/432/430/426/425/420 User Guide
Login Name
Login name used to access the Fil-
ing location
Path to Document
Directory Path (TCP/IP)
This is the location where files will
be transferred to on the server. For
Netware, this can include an abso-
lute or relative NDS Context (in
addition to a volume name and
directory path) if the path to where
the files are to be transferred is in a
different NDS Context than the
NDS Context of the Netware login.
Filing Policy
Defines how to store scanned out-
put files. Valid choices are Over-
write, Append, New Exact, New
Auto Generate.
Document Name
Defines the folder name for Single-
Page TIFF image files, or the name
of the image for PDF or Multi-Page
Output Image Format
Offers a choice of 3 formats - PDF,
TIFF or TIFF (Multi-page).
Suppress Job Log
This will cause the job log to “not be
transferred” with the scanned data/
Immediate or Delayed
Send fax now or at a specific time.
Fax Recipients
Where the fax is sent to.
Phone Number
Fax number of the recipient.
Phone List
Add or delete fax numbers from the
Document Centre phone list.