Xerox 4508 User Manual

Page 141

background image

G l o s s a r y

A p p e n d i x G : G l o s s a r y G-11

used for printing. PCL and PostScript are examples of page

description languages.

Permanent fonts

Also called permanently downloaded fonts.

These are fonts set up in an application so that when the

application is loaded, the fonts are downloaded to the

printer’s memory. They then do not have to be downloaded

for every print job. Permanent fonts remain downloaded until

the printer is powered OFF.


The number of characters to the inch (10 pitch is 10

characters per inch). Typically thought of as “horizontal”



Type height is traditionally measured in points. One

point is approximately 1/72 inch. Typically thought of as

“vertical” measurement.


A method to control the data coming into the printer

through the I/O ports, which can include the parallel, serial,

and optional network ports. The printer looks at each port in

succession for incoming data, then transfers it to the print

buffer where it waits for processing. The print buffer is shared

among the ports, so data can arrive for different jobs



A PDL developed by Adobe Systems in 1987.

Print density

The relative darkness of print on the page.

Print queue

A subdirectory on the server to which print jobs

are redirected. Jobs are released from the queue and sent to

the printer when the printer is ready to accept jobs.

Print server

A computer system attached to a local area

network that provides shared printing among network

clients. The print server draws files from print queues on the

file server. Typically the print server is dedicated only to that

function—it is not used to run other end-user software.

Printer description

See Description.

Printer driver

A program that communicates between the

printer and the software application. The printer driver

4508-apg.frm Page 11 Wednesday, May 22, 1996 8:45 AM