Xerox 4508 User Manual
Page 137

G l o s s a r y
A p p e n d i x G : G l o s s a r y ❖ G-7
exchanging and accessing files without having to copy them
to a floppy diskette.
The programs stored in EPROM/ROM chips on the
printer’s controller board.
A collection of characters with a consistent style.
Different fonts can be selected for printing. Fonts can refer to
the printer’s internal fonts, or fonts stored in optional font
cards or on your computer.
Font card
Small, thin credit card size electronic devices that
contain fonts.
Font characteristics
Font orientation, character height,
stroke weight, and typeface. What a printed font looks like.
Fuser roller
Used to bond dry ink to the page.
An exchange of signals between two devices
in a computer network, prior to the transfer of data. The
purpose of handshaking is to determine the readiness of each
device to exchange data.
Horizontal deletions
See Deletions - Horizontal.
Horizontal streaks
See Streaks - Dark horizontal.
The source of data or the input device for the printer. It
may be a personal computer or network device.
Hot Key
Keystroke combinations used to activate and exit
the DOS version of SMS.
I/O (Input/Output)
The communication between the printer
and the host computer.
I/O port
Input/Output port, where data is received and
See Integrated Visual Display
Integrated Visual Display
Also referred to as IVD, this is the
user-interface portion of SMS which displays printer and job
4508-apg.frm Page 7 Wednesday, May 22, 1996 8:45 AM