Xerox 4508 User Manual

Page 133

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G l o s s a r y

A p p e n d i x G : G l o s s a r y G-3


Baud Rate

The data transfer rate between the computer and

the printer; set only if the serial port is used. The computer

and the printer must be configured at the same baud rate

(between 300 and 57.6 KB depending on the type of computer


Best Fit Feature

A feature available within the SMS function

of DS/P which allows you to locate a printer whose features

support the needs of your print job(s). For example, if your

print job requires 11" x 17" paper and printing resolution of

600 dpt, this feature finds the printers that provide the



A data structure on each file server that shows the

existence and status of printers on a Novell network.


Binary digit. The smallest unit of information in a digital

computer. A bit can take on the value of either 1 or 0.


A pattern of bits representing the dots in a printed


Bitmapped Fonts

Digitized images of each character in a

font. Bitmapped fonts generally require more memory than

scalable fonts. If you want to change to a different size or

style (like italics), you have to download a separate

bitmapped font.

Black Prints

The printed page is entirely black.

Blank Prints

Entire printer page is blank with no visible signs

of print.

Blurred Prints

Image is blurred (out of focus) at the edges of

the printed page.


To restart a computer without turning off the power.

Also referred to as a soft start.


A unit of 8 consecutive bits. A byte is used to represent

a character or control function.

4508-apg.frm Page 3 Wednesday, May 22, 1996 8:45 AM