Xerox 4508 User Manual

Page 134

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G l o s s a r y

G-4 D o c u P r i n t 4 5 0 8 U s e r G u i d e



A Novell command used to redirect output from a

client to a print queue.

Character set

The collection of characters contained in a

font. Each character set has been designed for a special

purpose. Some sets include all printable characters found on

most standard computer keyboards, while others are

intended for such applications as math, foreign language,

typesetting, or law.


See User Chargeback.


A PC attached to a Novell network.

Client Software

See SMS Client Software.

Configuration file

The file that stores the relationship

between the SMS Service Coordinator and the printer.

“XDSP.NLM” is the name of the SMS configuration file.

Context Saving

See State Saving.

Controller board

The printer’s system controller, with

firmware to direct all printer operations and slots for adding

optional cards. The controller board is accessed through the

back panel of the printer.

Control Panel

An LCD display to show status messages,

prompts, and menu items; indicator lights to show the

condition and status of the printer; and keys for accessing the

printer settings. The Control Panel is on the face of the



Data String

The term used to identify textual data—data that

reads as text. SMS accounting export data files present data

strings enclosed within quotation marks.


A printer setting that is used in the absence of any

other setting or command from the user. (See also Factory-set


Default Font

The font that the printer will use if the user or

the software application does not specify otherwise.

4508-apg.frm Page 4 Wednesday, May 22, 1996 8:45 AM