P. 75, Effects are not applied to tones for which the, Synth mfx type – Roland VR-760 User Manual
Page 75: P. 75) in edit, Synth mfx ctrl, P. 75). you can also change, Adjusted (p. 75), Settings multi-effect, Of synth part, P. 75)

Detailed Settings for Each Function (EDIT)
Creating Smooth Pitch Changes
Portamento is a function that causes the pitch to change
smoothly from one note to the next note played.
With the MONO/POLY parameter set to MONO,
portamento is especially effective when simulating playing
techniques such as a violin glissandos.
Portamento SW (ON/OFF)
This set the switch of portamento on or off.
Portamento Time (0–127)
This setting determines the time for the change in pitch when
the portamento effect is applied to the sound. Higher settings
will cause the pitch change to the next note to take more
Portamento Mode (NORMAL/LEGATO)
This selects the way the Portamento effect is applied.
Portamento Type (RATE/TIME)
This selects the relationship between the difference in pitch
for the keys pressed and the time it takes to change from one
pitch to the other.
Settings Multi-Effect of Synth Part
The multi-effects are a collection of general-purpose multi-
effects that alter the sounds themselves to create entirely
different kinds of sounds. You can select from 40 different
types to suit your aims. A variety of effects have been
prepared, from single, individual effects like distortion and
flanger, to effects that have been created by chaining a
sequence of different effects. Also included as one type of
multi-effect is a reverb that can be used entirely
independently of the REVERB found on the VR-760 panel (p.
Synth MFX Type
This selects the multi-effect type. There are 40 different
effects to choose from.
For more parameters that can be set and their values, refer to
“Effect/Parameter List” (p. 91).
Synth MFX Ctrl
You can use the [MFX CONTROL] knob to change the multi-
effects parameters in real time. In this case, this determines
which parameter is to be changed.
The parameters that can be altered vary according to the
multi-effect selected with Synth MFX Type. Refer to “Effect/
Parameter List” (p. 91).
Synth MFX Parameter
Depending on the multi-effect selected with Synth MFX
Type, there may be multiple parameters that you can set. For
more on the types of parameters that can be set and their
values, refer to “Effect/Parameter List” (p. 91).
MFX Dry Send (0–127)
Adjusts the volume of the sound that has passed through the
Multi-effects of the Synth part.
MFX Chorus Send (0–127)
Adjusts the amount of Chorus/Delay for the sound that
passes through Multi-effects of the Synth part.
The chorus type (chorus or delay) is predetermined for each
tone, and cannot be changed. Additionally, the effect may
differ according to the tone being used.
Synth Revb Send (0–127)
This adjusts the amount of the synth part that is to be sent to
the reverb. With smaller values, the reverb is barely applied
even when the [REVERB LEVEL] knob on the panel is turned
Portamento is applied at all times.
Portamento is applied during legato
portions (when a key is played while the
previously played key is still being held
The time it takes the pitch to change is
proportional to the difference in pitch.
The time it takes the pitch to change is fixed,
regardless of the difference in pitches.