Palm 650 User Manual

Page 376

background image



opening 181
organizing pictures and videos 240
overview 234
recording video clips with 236
setting up Web account for 210
taking pictures from 235
troubleshooting 268, 279

Picture Mail icon 181
Picture Mail message icons 216
Picture Mail Website 244, 246
Picture message icon 60
picture thumbnails 95, 244

See also images
adding as backgrounds 95
adding Caller ID 68
adding to albums 235, 240, 244
adding to messages 211
adding voice captions 235
assigning to contacts 142
attaching to email 192
copying 235, 240
deleting 241
displaying 238, 239, 244, 246
downloading 224
personalizing 239
saving 235, 239
selecting as wallpaper 241
sending 235, 246
synchronizing 124

taking 9, 32, 142, 181, 234
uploading 210

PIM applications 289
placing calls on hold 172
Play Sound pick list 97
playing music 104, 108–110
playing video clips 236
playing voice captions 238, 245
playlists 108, 109
plug-ins 221
ports 22, 34
power adapter 33, 165
power consumption 8, 9, 155, 294
Power Preferences screen 155
Power Save feature 294
power sources 7
power status 7
Power/End button 30, 35, 36, 48

caution for waking up screen and 64

Powering off screen 35
PowerPoint files 193
predefined text phrases 211
Preferences dialog box 102
Premium Services 14
Preparing Vision Services dialog box 180
preset delays 159
prioritizing tasks 100, 102
priority settings 100, 191
privacy flag 100
Privacy Mode option 218