Palm 650 User Manual

Page 366

background image



switching accounts for 198
taking digital pictures for 181
troubleshooting 275–278, 279
viewing attachments in 196

Email buttons 73
email providers 186, 187, 188, 189
emergency calls 157, 163, 177
emoticons 212
emotive symbols 212
Empty battery icon 7
Enable Background Playback check

box 109

Enable Digital Roaming preference 66
Enable Local Network Time box 111, 153
Enable Location Privacy check box 163
enhancements iv
entering information 20, 42, 43
entering phone numbers 67, 69
errors 283–284
event conflicts 60, 95

See also Calendar application
adding alerts for 91
adding notes to 94
changing 93
checking status of 60
color-coding 93
creating 89, 91, 92
deleting 94
displaying 96

purging 94
rescheduling 94
scheduling 89
viewing duration of 95

events, assigning time zones to 90
Excel files 193
exiting pick lists 41
expansion card slot 34, 133, 341
expansion cards

accessing albums on 239
beaming to 122
caution for 133
copying applications to 136
downloading files to 224
formatting 137, 138
inserting 134
moving pictures to 240
opening applications on 136
overview 133
removing applications from 130
storing information on 285
transferring music to 104, 105
viewing information about 137

extending battery life 9
extensions (phone calls) 63, 73
Extra Digits button 63, 171
Extra Digits option 73


fade setting 95