Lexmark 302 User Manual

Page 81

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6. Move the right tractor assembly and blue sliding guides until

the right paper holes of the form fit on the

right tractor pins. Be

sure that the forms are straight. Close the right blue tractor

R i g h t T r a c t o r A s s e m b l y

7. Hold the

right tractor in place and lock the blue locking lever.

B l u e L o c k i n g
L e v e r

R i g h t T r a c t o r

B l u e L o c k i n g L e v e r

Note: If necessary, unlock the tractor and adjust it so that the
forms are not buckled or stretched too tightly. Be sure that you
lock the locking lever when you are finished adjusting.

Chapter 1. Setting Up the 4232 Printer Model 302
