Glossary – Lexmark 302 User Manual

Page 257

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This glossary defines important 4232
Printer Model 302 abbreviations and
terms. It includes information from

IBM Dictionary of Computing,


It also includes terms and definitions


American National

Dictionary for Information
Processing Systems, copyright
1982 by the Computer and
Business Equipment
Manufacturers Association
(CBEMA). Copies may be
purchased from the American
National Standards Institute,
1430 Broadway, New York, New
York 10018. Definitions are
identified by an asterisk (*).


Information Technology

Vocabulary, developed by
Subcommittee 1, Joint Technical
Committee 1, of the International
Organization for Standardization
and the International
Electrotechnical Committee
Definitions from published
segments of the vocabularies
are identified by the symbol
(ISO); definitions from draft
international standards, draft
proposals, and working papers
in development by the ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC1 vocabulary
subcommittee are identified by
the symbol (TC97), indicating
final agreement has not yet been

reached among participating

For abbreviations, the definition
usually consists only of the words
represented by the letters; for
complete definitions, see the entries
for the words.


access cover. Provides access to
the top of the printer for cleaning,
changing ribbon cartridges, and
loading or changing forms devices.

acoustic cover. A cover bonded
with a material that reduces
operating noise from a machine.

audible alarm. An alarm that is
activated when predetermined
events occur that require operator
attention or intervention for system

autoload. The automatic forms
loading feature on the F2 forms

automatic forms thickness
adjustment (AFTA)
. A printer
mechanism that measures the forms
thickness and adjusts the gap from
the print head to the platen rod

Auto Sheet Feeder (ASF) (F4). A
mechanically operated device, made
up of two major components: the
Auto Sheet Feeder mechanism,

Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 1994
