Lexmark 302 User Manual

Page 260

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Maintenance Analysis Procedures
. A maintenance document
that gives an IBM service
representative a step-by-step


procedure for tracing a symptom to


the cause of the problem.

Maintenance Information Manual
. A maintenance document
that gives an IBM service
representative a step-by-step
procedure for installing, removing,
and servicing components of the

maximum page length (MPL). The
total number of print lines from one
top margin line to the next.

maximum print position (MPP).
The total number of horizontal
positions that can be printed.


near letter quality (NLQ). One of
the print modes available for the
4232 Printer Model 302. Provides
printouts that are similar to laser
printing output in quality.

not ready. A state where you have
pressed Stop or an error or operator
intervention condition is occurring.
The printer can be

not ready and

online or offline. See also

offline and

online. Contrast with ready.


offline. Pertaining to equipment or
devices not under control of a
control unit or host processor.
Contrast with


online. (1) Stored in a computer
and accessible from a terminal.
(2) Pertaining to equipment or
devices under the direct control of a
control unit or host processor.
Contrast with


operator panel. A functional unit
containing switches used to control a
printer or other data processing
units, or a portion of these devices
that may contain indicators giving
information on the functioning of the


paper door. Used to provide
access to the printer for loading
paper and forms devices.

paper jam. A condition in which
paper forms have not fed properly
during printing and have become
wedged in the feeding or printing
mechanism, thus preventing the
correct forward movement of the
forms. A paper jam usually causes
one line to be printed over one or
more other printed lines.

parallel interface. An interface
where data is exchanged between
the computer and the printer one
byte at a time.


User’s Guide Model 302