5 output telegram (for output 1 to 3), Output telegram (for output 1 to 3) – Siemens SICLOCK TC 400 User Manual
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TC 400
Output telegram (for OUTPUT 1 to 3)
If the output signal is defined as a serial telegram, you can specify the settings for
the data transfer with the /Outputs/Output Telegram (0.19.01) parameter.
The parameter entry /Outputs/Output Telegram/format (0.19.01) offers the follow-
ing telegram formats for selection:
• Meinberg compatible (including time zones)
• Meinberg compatible (not including time zones)
• NMEA (0183/ZDA)
Baud rate
You can set the following values with the parameter entry /Outputs/Output Tele-
gram/baud rate (0.19.01):
1200 Bd, 2400 Bd, 4800 Bd, 9600 Bd, 19200 Bd, 38400 Bd, 57600 Bd, 115200 Bd
Data width
You can specify the number of data bits with the parameter entry /Outputs/Output
Telegram/data bits (0.19.01):
7 bits or 8 bits
You can specify the parity with the parameter entry /Outputs/Output Tele-
gram/parity (0.19.01):
none, even, uneven
Stop bits
You can specify the number of stop bits with the parameter entry /Outputs/Output
Telegram/stop bits (0.19.01):
1 bit or 2 bits
Further information