Sierra Wireless DART 200 CDPD Modem User Manual
Page 30
DART 200 CDPD Modem User’s Guide
2 Installation and Setup
Sierra Wireless, Inc.
2. To proceed, your PC must have the ASCII terminal emulation
program installed and active, and be attached to the CDPD modem
by the PC communications cable. To verify the setup, enter
: an OK response should return. To verify that the
connection is with the DART 200 and not with an internal modem,
and press
If the response is the modem software
version and date, proceed to Basic modem personalization. If you
fail to get that response, verify that your cable is working and that
the correct COM port is specified for the terminal emulation program
and repeat this step.
3. If you still fail to get the AT echo and/or the OK, enter an AT&V
command to display the modems communications setup, profile,
S-Registers and EID. The first three fields below the baud should be
E1, V1 and Q0. If the values are anything else, change to the correct
values and save the new values by entering ATE1V1Q0&W.
If the AT&V command fails, contact your DART 200 supplier for
technical assistance.
Basic modem personalization
The DART 200 requires an IP Address to be set internally before it can
be registered on the CDPD network. In addition, the side preference (A
or B) for your carrier needs to be specified. This information can be
preloaded by the carrier, but generally the carrier gives it to you upon
request. To determine if the IP Address was preloaded, refer to step 1
(below). If the IP Address was not preloaded contact your carrier to
obtain one along with the side preference (A or B), and a Domain Name
Server (DNS) IP Address.
In addition to the side preference, the DART 200 has 23 additional
operational parameters and several Status (S-)Registers to review. The
default values for these parameters and S-Registers can require changes
if they are not appropriate for your application. However, for initial setup
the default parameters (except for side preference) are adequate.
To set up the DART 200 for operation:
Load the IP Address supplied by the carrier. To check if it was
preloaded, use the AT\S? command, as shown in this example:
* - Means the Network Entity Identifier (NEI) is active
The DART 200 in the sample has the IP Addresses already entered.
Ignore the Group Multicast Identifier (GMID) field for now.
If your modem has no IP Address, the response to the
command is OK. Enter the IP Address now, by:
Putting the modem into Service Provider mode with an
AT^P+51348954 command