Stapling your print jobs, Using qms doc, Stapling your print jobs -22 – IBM QMS 4525 User Manual
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Stapling Your Print
QMS 4525 Print System User's Guide
Commands manual for complete information on how to do number-up
Stapling Your Print Jobs
If your printer has a stacker/stapler installed, you can staple print jobs
of up to 35 sheets in the upper-left corner (portrait orientation) or the
upper-right corner (landscape orientation).
The system administrator chooses the default setting for stapling.
(See the system administrator's guide for additional information.) The
default stapling setting is used when stapling is not specified first by
the emulation (printer or application language), or next by the DOC
%%IncludeFeature: staple command (this includes the network
print commands).
The following is the DOC command syntax for stapling:
%%IncludeFeature: staple (
Your choices for
selection are on and off. (See the QMS Crown Docu-
ment Option Commands manual and the system administrator's
guide for more information.)
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