Turning the printer off, Dew prevention switch, Turning the printer off -3 – IBM QMS 4525 User Manual
Page 57: Dew prevention switch 4-3
Turning the Printer
Daily Operations
Turning the Printer Off
Leaving the printer turned on overnight causes unnecessary wear on
the printer. You may also want to turn it off when it is not in use for
several hours at a time. Use the following procedure to turn the printer
Press the Line key on the control panel to place the printer
off line. Wait for all the pages of the current job to be pro-
cessed and delivered into the sorter bin(s), stacker bin, or
standard output bin. The following displays in the control
panel message window:
1RWH SURFHVVLQJDMRELQZKLFKFDVHWKHPHVVDJHV 1 ACTIVE JOB INPUT IDLE PRINTING IDLE GLVSOD\DQGWKHSULQWHUJRHVRIIOLQHDIWHUDOOWKHSDJHVLQSURJUHVVKDYH EHHQSULQWHG 2 Press the power switch to the O position to turn the printer 3 Do not remove the power plug from the wall socket. Dew Prevention Switch The printer is equipped with a dew prevention feature which prevents 1RWH$OWKRXJKWKHGHZSUHYHQWLRQXQLWFRQVXPHVYHU\OLWWOHHOHFWULFLW\ EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
excess humidity from building up inside the printer when it is off. As
long as the dew prevention switch is on, dew prevention is automati-
cally enabled when the printer is turned off.