Communications status words – GE GEFanuc Automation Programmable Control Products TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the Series 90t-70 PLC GFK-1004B User Manual

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Chapter 4 Programming Communications Requests

Communications Status Words

The COMMREQ Status word (CRS word) and the first word of the two Detailed Chan-
nel Status words (DCS words) report status and errors in the same format, as shown be-
low. The second word of the DCS words indicates when the channel is active.

The CRS word location is specified in Words 3 and 4 of the Command Block. The DCS
words location is specified in the Retrieve Detailed Channel Status Command. The con-
tents of these status words are defined below:

The initial value of the Detailed Channel Status words is all zeros. DCS words are reset
to zero when:
H The Ethernet Interface is powered up or restarted

H The CPU transitions from STOP to RUN

H A channel abort COMMREQ aborts the channel

Hex Format





Minor Error Codes (high byte)

Success and Major Error Codes (low byte)

CRS Word in

Figure 4-3. Format of the COMMREQ Status Word (CRS Word)





Minor Error Codes (high byte)

Success and Major Error Codes (low byte)


Channel Active (0001 = channel active,

0000 = channel not active)

DCS Word in Hex Format

Word 1

Word 2

Figure 4-4. Format of the Detailed Channel Status Words (DCS Words)

There are several points to remember when interpreting the contents of the COMMREQ
Status word and Word 1 of the Detailed Channel Status words:


Display the Status Words in hexadecimal form to more easily differentiate the high and
low bytes. A good way to do this is to use a MOVE WORD function block to display
the hexadecimal value within the ladder program.


The Ethernet Interface will never send a zero for the COMMREQ Status word to the
PLC CPU. The user program should zero the COMMREQ Status word before issuing