Introduction, Where to find further information – Fluke 5725A User Manual
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Calibration and Verification
5-1. Introduction
The 5725A is calibrated at the factory before shipping. Calibration is traceable to the
U.S. National Bureau of Standards. All that is required to maintain traceability is to run
5700A calibration to external standards at the beginning of the calibration cycle and do
performance verification every two years. Calibration check and range calibration are
optional procedures that are available for special needs. The 5725A is calibrated
whenever an attached 5700A is calibrated.
5-2. Where to Find Further Information
Information about 5700A calibration, and therefore 5725A calibration, is contained in
the following sections of the 5700A/5720A Series II manual set:
Section 7 of the 5700A/5720A Series II Operator Manual presents procedures for
calibration, calibration check, and range calibration.
Section 1 of the 5700A/5720A Series II Operator Manual describes the calibration
process and the theory behind its use to establish traceability to national standards.
The same section includes a description of the calibration check feature, and
suggests using it to develop a performance history for your 5700A. (This applies
equally to a 5725A.)
Section 3 of the 5700A/5720A Series II Service Manual contains a performance
verification procedure recommended every two years to maintain traceability.