Function 71 configure event monitor, Function 72 scale basic function editor – Industrial Data Systems IDS DT200 User Manual
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DT 200 Users Manual version 1.E
Diagnostic Tests
Serial Com. Port 1
Transmit/Receive loop-back test.
Serial Com. Port 2
Transmit/Receive loop-back test.
Serial Com. Port 3
Display input data
Serial Com. Port 3
Display input error count.
Serial Com. Port 3
Transmit data.
See section:
Diagnostic Tests for more information on each test.
Function 70 Initialize Operation Parameters to Factory Defaults
Use function 70 to reset the DT200’s operation parameters to their factory default values.
This function is used to reset the DT200’s earom when a new EPROM program is
installed. Do NOT use this function unless you are ready to begin installation from the
1. Hold the CLEAR key down and press the ENTER key to enter the configure mode.
2. Enter CFG 70. The DT200 prompts, “rESEt”. Press the ENTER key to reset
operation parameters or press the CLEAR key to exit without changing the operation
NOTE: enter 10809 when the display prompts, “rESEt” to reset the calibration
factors to the factory defaults.
Function 71 Configure Event Monitor
Use function 71 to enter setpoint data into the Event Monitor. See the “Scale Basic /
Event Monitor” manual” for more information on the event monitor parameters.
1. Hold the CLEAR key down and press the ENTER key to enter the configure mode.
2. Enter CFG 71. The DT200 prompts “Eno”. Enter the Event number to be modified.
3. The DT200 prompts “P0 xx” where P0 is parameter 0 and xx is the current value of
parameter 0. Enter new data for P0 or press the ENTER key to use the displayed
4. Use the UNITS key (
↓) or the PRINT key (↑) to scroll through the parameter
numbers. Press the CLEAR key to exit from the current Event number. Press the
CLEAR key again to exit from event monitor data entry.
Function 72 Scale Basic Function Editor
Use function 72 to create or modify Scale Basic functions. See the “Scale Basic / Event
Monitor” manual for more information on Scale Basic functions.
1. Hold the CLEAR key down and press the ENTER key to enter the configure mode.
2. Enter CFG 72. The DT200 prompts “Fn”. Enter the function number to be modified.
3. The DT200 prompts “0- xxx” where 0- is entry zero, and xxx is the current value for
entry zero. Enter new data for 0- or press the ENTER key to use the displayed data.