Industrial Data Systems IDS DT200 User Manual
Page 31

DT 200 Users Manual version 1.E
Set Operation Parameters
2 Serial Printer interface.
Parameter 30 Auto Print LF after CR (1 [yes])
Some printers require a line feed character (LF) to advance the paper and some printers
advance the paper with only a carriage return character (CR).
Enter a 1 to automatically add a line feed after a carriage return.
Enter a 0 to NOT add a line feed after a carriage return.
Parameter 31 End of Print Character (12 [form feed])
The end of print character is sent to the printer at the end of a print transmission. If your
printer requires a special character to release the paper or to form feed the paper, enter the
code here. The ASCII chart in the appendix lists the ASCII codes and their numeric
values. Enter a 0 (zero) if no end of print character is required.
Parameters 32, 33 34, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89 and 90 Print Labels
The DT200 provide 7 programmable print labels. They are available for printing
company name, address, station ID, or other messages. Labels 32, 33, and 34 are up to
16 characters long; labels 84 - 90 are up to 30 characters long. Use the ASCII chart in the
appendix to look up the numeric values of the ASCII codes. Data entered into a print
label can include register data:
[253] [reg no] buffer register data, minimum size (zero blanked no spaces)
[254] [reg no] buffer register data, 7 character field, right justified
Or time & date [253][110], time [253][111], date [253][112].
Example: Print "Total [reg 1 data] ton". Select parameter 32 to begin Print Label 1
entry. The display prompts “C0 xxx” where xxx is the current character 0 entry. Enter:
84, 111, 116, 97, 108, 32, 254, 1, 32, 116, 111, 110, 13, 0
T o t a l
t o n
Remember to enter a 0 as the last entry of the print label.
Parameters 35, 36, 37, and 38: Print Codes
The DT200 provides 4 programmable print codes. The print codes are used to send
special setup parameters to the printer, such as select print size or select print font. Each
print code is up to 4 characters long. Consult your printer manual for the print codes that
you may want to use. Enter the codes in decimal format (an ASCII carriage return = 13).
Select parameter 35 to begin print code 1 entry. The DT200 prompts “C0 XXX” where
xxx is the current character 0 print code value. Enter data for character 0. The DT200
prompts “C1 XXX”. Continue the code entry. Enter a 0 to end print code entry.
Parameter 39 Enable TTL Remote Control (1 [enabled])
Use parameter 39 to enable remote control using TTL inputs 1 thru 4 (TB4 pins 10-13).
Enter a 1 to use TTL inputs 1-4 to activate scale basic functions 1 - 4. For example,
grounding TB4 pin 10 (TTL input 1) activates scale basic function 1.