Function 66 set time and date, Function 67 display operation parameters, Function 68 print operation parameters – Industrial Data Systems IDS DT200 User Manual
Page 40: Function 69 diagnostic tests
DT 200 Users Manual version 1.E
Diagnostic Tests
Function 66 Set Time and Date
Use function 66 to set the time and date. Entering 19 can display the time and date when
the meter is in the idle mode. Date will be printed in a Y2K compliant four-digit year.
1. Hold the CLEAR key down and press the ENTER key to enter the configure mode.
2. Enter CFG 66. The DT200 prompts “t”. Enter the time using 5 digits. The last digit
should be 0 for AM, 1 for PM, or 2 for 24-hour time.
3. The DT200 prompts “D”. Enter the date using 6 digits in the format MMDDYY.
Function 67 Display Operation Parameters
Use function 67 to view operation parameters. This function allows viewing the
parameters when the password is not available.
1. Hold the CLEAR key down and press the ENTER key to enter the configure mode.
2. Enter CFG 67. The DT200 prompts “PAR xx” where xx is the currently selected
parameter number. Press the ENTER key to view the parameter data or enter a
parameter number to view.
3. Press the CLEAR key to exit function 67.
Function 68 Print Operation Parameters
1. Hold the CLEAR key down and press the ENTER key to enter the configure mode.
2. Enter CFG 68. The DT200 prompts “Print”. Press the ENTER key to print the
operation parameters or press the CLEAR key to exit without printing.
Function 69 Diagnostic Tests
1. Hold the CLEAR key down and press the ENTER key to enter the configure mode.
2. Enter CFG 69. The DT200 prompts “diA xx” where xx is the currently selected test
number. Enter a test number or press the ENTER key to use the displayed number.
3. The DT200 begins the selected test. Press the CLEAR key when the test is complete.
Test #
Hardware Tested
Serial Com. Port 1
Display input data.
Serial Com. Port 1
Display input error count.
Serial Com. Port 1
Transmit data.
Serial Com. Port 2
Display input data.
Serial Com. Port 2
Display input error count.
Serial Com. Port 2
Transmit data.
Parallel Port
Transmit data.
Ram Memory
Test memory for errors.
Turn on all LED’s segments.
Print the EAROM configuration data.