Connecting multiple hosts, Host list promotion, Figure 6-17 host 1, host 2, host 3 exchanged – Lantronix XPORT PROTM 900-560 User Manual

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6: Line and Tunnel Settings

XPort Pro User Guide


supports configuration of up to sixteen hosts.

Connecting Multiple Hosts

If more than one host is
configured, a Host Mode option
appears. Host Mode controls
how multiple hosts will be
accessed. For XPort Pro, the
Connect Mode supports up to
sixteen Hosts. Hosts may be
accessed sequentially or

Sequential – Sequential
host lists establish a
prioritized list of tunnels.
The host specified as Host
1 will be attempted first. If
that fails, it will proceed to
Host 2, 3, etc, in the order
they are specified. When a
connection drops, the cycle
starts again with Host 1 and
proceeds in order.
Establishing the host order
is accomplished with host
list promotion (see

Host List

Promotion on page 50


Sequential is the default
Host Mode.

Simultaneous – A tunnel
will connect to all hosts
accepting a connection.
Connections occur at the
same time to all listed
hosts. The device can
support a maximum of 64
total aggregate

Host List Promotion

This feature allows Host IP promotion of individual hosts in the overall sequence.

To promote a specific Host:


Click the

icon in the desired Host field, for example Host 2 and Host 3.


The selected Host(s) exchanges its place with the Host above it.


Click Submit. The hosts change sequence.


The CP Output option is only supported in

XPort Pro and XPort AR.

Figure 6-17 Host 1, Host 2, Host 3 Exchanged