Index, Index 150 – Lantronix XPORT PROTM 900-560 User Manual

Page 150

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XPort Pro User Guide




Accept Mode 36
Accept Mode 43
Additional Documentation 14
Additional TCP Server Port 102

Ethernet 19
Hardware 19, 20
IP 19
MAC 19, 20

Advanced Settings

Email Configuration 126
XML Configuration 130

Advanced Settings 125
AES 16
Allow Firmware Update 72
Allow TFTP File Creation 72
Allow XCR Import 72
Applications 16
ARP 16
ARP Settings 110, 111
Auth Type 78
Authentication Mode 68
Authentication Type 78
Authority 96
AutoIP 16


Banner 81
Bar Code 20
Bin 147
Binary 61, 81, 146
Binary to Hexadecimal Conversions 146
Bit 61, 64
Block Network 45, 49
Block Serial 49
Block Serial Data 45
BOOTP 16, 30
Branding 143

Web Manager Customization 143

Break Duration 56


Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol 67
CLI 17
CLI Configuration 128
CLI Statistics 128
Command Line Interface Settings 128
Command Mode 19
Command-Line Interface 17
Common Name 97
Compliance 148
Configurable Pin Manager 59
Configuration Methods 19
Configuration Settings 66
Configured As 61
Configuring Tunnels to Use VIP 140
Connect Mode 36
Connect Mode 46
Connection Value 45
Controller 15
Convert Newlines 81
Count 117
CP 60
CP Output 45, 49
CPM 59
Create New Keys 91
Create New Self-Signed Certificate 96
Custom Groups 59


Default Gateway 30
Default Groups 59
Default Server Port Numbers 19
Device Control 17
Device Details 21
Device Details Summary 21
Device Management 18
Device Status 24
DeviceInstaller 21
DeviceInstaller 21
DHCP 16, 30
Diagnostic Toolset 18
Diagnostics 114

Buffer Pools 121
Hardware 114
IP Sockets 116
Memory 120
MIB-II Statistics 115
Ping 116
Processes 121