FUJITSU C-4120 User Manual
Page 29
S t a r t i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k C S e r i e s
L i f e B o o k C S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u
Once you have setup your LifeBook to dial out,
Windows 98 SE will make a free telephone call
which will test these settings. If the call is
unsuccessful, you will be returned to the phone
settings page where you may try to fix them at
this time. If you are unable to fix the settings
please contact Fujitsu PC Service and Support.
(See page 17.) If you would simply like to move
on, and register your LifeBook at a later time,
simply click on "skip" and you will go directly
to the condition of use page.
If your connection is successful, you will go to
the Registration Confirmation page. On this
page simply enter the requested information,
and then check the box at the bottom to
register your copy of Windows 98 SE with
Microsoft. Once you have finished, click on
next to continue.
a time. When you finish reading you must
accept or reject the terms of the agreement and
then click on the Next > button.
If you do not register at this time you can
do it later simply by double-clicking on
the LifeBook Registration icon on your
desktop, and following the instructions.
You will then go into Fujitsu Registration.
Follow the instructions on the screens, and
enter all of the information so that if you
need help FPC service and support will be
able to serve you better.
Final Settings
The first part of your final settings is the
Windows End User License Agreement. Read
the agreement carefully. You can scroll through
the text using your pointing device to activate
the scroll bar or use the up arrow
and the
down arrow
keys to move up and down the
text one line at a time, or use the Page Up and
Page Down keys to move the text one screen at
If you reject the terms of the license
agreement you will be asked to review
the license agreement for information on
returning Windows 98 SE or to shut
down your notebook.
Next you will need to enter your Windows
Product Key. Look in the box that your note-
book came in and you will find a Windows 98
SE Certificate of Authenticity shrink wrapped
with the Windows 98 SE Users manual. On the
certificate you will find a bar-code with a num-
ber above it. This is your product key and the
number you need to enter on the Product Key
screen. When you have entered the number
exactly as shown click on the Next > button.