Safety and warning information – Heat & Glo Fireplace 6000TRS-CE User Manual
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Heat & Glo • 6000TRS-CE • 2049-900 Rev. R • 3/13
This appliance is intended for use on a gas installation with a governed meter.
READ and UNDERSTAND all instructions carefully before starting the installation. FAILURE
TO fOllOw these installation instructions may result in a possible fire hazard and will
void the warranty.
Prior to the first firing of the fireplace, READ the Using Your Fireplace section of the Users
DO NOT use this appliance if any part has been under water. Immediately cALL a qualified
service technician to inspect the unit and to replace any part of the control system and any
gas control which has been under water.
This uNiT is NOT fOr use wiTh sOliD fuel.
Installation and repair should be perfOrmeD by a qualified service person. The appliance
and flue system should be INSpEcTED before initial use and at least annually by a
professional service person.
Always kEEp the appliance clear and free from combustible materials, petrol, and other
flammable vapors and liquids.
Never ObsTrucT the flow of combustion and ventilation air. Keep the front of the
appliance cLEAR of all obstacles and materials for servicing and proper operations.
Due to the high temperature, the appliance should be lOcaTeD out of traffic areas and
away from furniture and draperies. Clothing or flammable material shOulD NOT be
pLAcED on or near the appliance.
Children and adults should be
ALERTED to the hazards of high surface temperature
and should
STAY AwAY to avoid burns or clothing ignition. Young children should be
CAREFULLY SUPERvISED when they are in the same room as the appliance.
These units musT use one of the fluing systems described in the Installing the Fireplace
section of the Installers Guide. NO OTher flue systems or components may be useD.
This gas appliance and flue assembly musT be vented directly to the outside and musT
NEvER be attached to a chimney serving a separate solid fuel burning appliance. Each gas
appliance musT use a separate flue system. Common flue systems are prOhibiTeD.
INSpEcT the external terminal cap on a regular basis to make sure that no debris is
interfering with the air flow.
The glass door assembly musT be in place and sealed, and the trim door assembly musT
be in place on the appliance before the unit can be placed into safe operation.
DO NOT OperaTe this appliance with the glass door removed, cracked, or broken.
Replacement of the glass door should be performed by a licensed or qualified service
person. DO NOT strike or slam the glass door.
The glass door assembly shall ONly be replaced as a complete unit, as supplied by the
gas appliance manufacturer. NO subsTiTuTe material may be used.
DO NOT use abrasive cleaners on the glass door assembly. DO NOT aTTempT to clean
the glass door when it is hot.
Turn off the gas before servicing this appliance. It is recommended that a qualified service
technician perform an appliance check-up at the beginning of each heating season.
Any safety screen or guard removed for servicing must be replaced before operating
this appliance.