HP RM500SL User Manual
Page 32
RM500SL User’s Guide Version 2.8
Page 32
Hide or Show HIT curves
FastFacts 7.5: Hide or Show HIT curves
1996 or 2003 ANSI standard
FastFacts 7.6: 1996 or 2003 ANSI standard
ANSI test frequencies
FastFacts 7.7: ANSI test frequencies
On screens capable of showing more than one curve, you may show or hide test
curves. Hiding a curve does not erase it.
To hide or show test curve(s):
1) Highlight, then
2) Highlight, then
curve to toggle between Hide or Show. The
curve will toggle on or off when selected.
3) Press
The Frequencies feature allows hearing instruments to be evaluated at the Special
Purpose Average (SPA) frequencies defined by ANSI S3.22, rather than the
default High Frequency Average (HFA) frequencies. The choice of SPA (or HFA)
frequencies influences the average OSPL90, average full-on gain, reference test
gain, bandwidth and equivalent input noise. The frequencies at which distortion is
measured are one-half the selected SPA frequencies. You can also select the
frequencies at which attack and release times are measured.
To change the averaging frequencies:
1) Press
2) Highlight and
list box of alternate test frequencies.
3) Highlight the desired HFA/SPA test frequencies and press
To change the frequencies for attack and release time measurements:
In the list of available frequencies, highlight and
used to measure attack and release time.
Automated tests of linear and AGC hearing aids may be conducted according to
either the ANSI S-3.22-1996 or ANSI S3.22-2003 test standards. For differences,
8.2: ANSI S3.22-1996 facts
8.3: ANSI S3.22-2003 facts
To select the standard to be used:
1) Press
2) Highlight and
3) Press