Hand Held Products 7200/UG User Manual

Page 85

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C H A P T E R 6 D O L P H I N 7 2 0 0 2 D H A N D H E L D C O M P U T E R





Dolphin 7200 2D Demo Software

The Dolphin 7200 2D terminal demonstration software program allows you to show

how the terminal omni-directionally decodes all popular linear and 2D barcodes and

OCR as well as its image capture capabilities.

The software consists of two components – one that runs on the host computer and

one that runs on the Dolphin terminal.

Installing the Dolphin 7200 2D Demo Software
on the Host

The host computer demonstration software for the Dolphin 7200 2D hand held

computer is the same program used for the Dolphin 7200 Image-Capture terminal.

For information on using the host computer demonstration software, see the sections

on Installing the Dolphin Image-Capture Demo Software on the Host and the HHP Dolphin

Image-Capture Server Application in Chapter 5 of this manual.

Installing the Dolphin 7200 2D Demo Software on the
Dolphin Terminal

The Dolphin 7200 2D terminal is shipped loaded with client demonstration software.

If the demonstration program has been removed from your terminal, follow these

steps to install:


Check to make sure that HomeBase is set at 57600 baud rate on the PC.


Click Windows Start button and go to Programs.


Select the Dolphin Image Capture Program Group.


Select Upload ICD2D Client Com 1 or Upload ICD2D Client Com 2.


Place the Dolphin terminal in the HomeBase.


On the Dolphin terminal, go to the DOS prompt and type YFF and press

ENTER to transfer the files.


After successful transfer, type ICD2D and then press at the DOS
