Hand Held Products 7200/UG User Manual

Page 130

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C H A P T E R 9 D O L P H I N O S A N D D E V E L O P M E N T S Y S T E M






DCOMM.EXE is a Windows communication utility. It supports drag-and-drop file

transfer using both Ymodem and Xmodem.

Usage :

dcomm [/c#] [/b#] [/y] [/x] [filename1…n]



Specifies COM port, where #=1-4


Specifies Baud Rate, where #=9600, 19200, 38400 or 57600


Specifies Xmodem protocol


Specifies Ymodem protocol


Automatic mode, waits and receives all files that are sent

filename Filename to transfer, supports multiple file names and wildcards (*.dat).


dcomm /c1 /b57600 /y filename.dat

If you do not specify command line arguments, DCOMM.EXE will open a dialog that

allows you to receive files or configure the default serial communications port, baud

rate, communications protocol and download path.

An ‘Auto Execute’ command line can also be specified in the configuration screen.

The specified command line will be executed when a file is received.


DWIZARD.EXE is a Windows utility that steps you through the process of

upgrading Dolphin’s Boot Loader, ROM image and Demo application. Simply run

DWIZARD and follow the instructions provided to: