Hand Held Products 7200/UG User Manual
Page 38
C H A P T E R 3 D O L P H I N 7 2 0 0 R F H A N D H E L D C O M P U T E R
Configuring Your 802.11b- Compliant Dolphin 7200
RF Terminal
The Dolphin 7200 RF Utilities program provides basic functions required to prepare
your terminals for use. The program also includes a Scan Demo, Help, and an
Inventory Control demo.
When you cold-boot or reset the terminal, the title screen shown below appears. Press
the <ENTER> key to continue.
Dolphin 7200 RF Title Screen
Main Menu
The Dolphin 7200 RF Main Menu shown appears after the title screen:
Dolphin 7200 RF Main Menu