Hand Held Products 7200/UG User Manual
Page 177
A P P E N D I X C G S - D O S C O M M A N D S
Rev 1.3
The VERIFY command changes or displays how GS DOS handles I/O to disk files and
directory structures. If VERIFY is ON, then Embedded DOS-ROM verifies
immediately that disk I/O is completed successfully before telling the user that it was.
This is accomplished by writing data directly to disk, without temporarily storing it in a
file system or disk driver cache. If VERIFY is OFF, then GS DOS caches writes to files
and defers the actual writing to disk, enabling multiple writes to the same sectors to be
served much faster. The cache is automatically written to disk in the background during
"dead time", when the disk is not busy. This is accomplished with the multitasking
threads and semaphores that the GS DOS kernel supports.
The VOL command displays the volume label of a diskette or a hard disk. VOL does
not allow the user to change the volume label. If the drive letter is not specified, then the
default drive is assumed.
VOL [drive:]