3d lut, Komodo operation guide – RED DIGITAL CINEMA KOMODO 6K Digital Cinema Camera (RF) User Manual
Page 60

Hybrid Log-Gamma (HLG) delivers HDR resolution without the need for metadata. This allows HLG to display well on
SDR and HDR monitors.
NHK and the BBC developed HLG in a joint effort to create a more compatible signal for a wide variety of television
Hybrid Log-Gamma is an open-source standard HDR (High Dynamic Range) video format. Video dynamic range is the
measurement between the brightness between black and white (luminosity).
Many monitors offer HDR. However, unlike resolution parameters (1080p, 4K, etc.), HDR is related to luminosity.
Luminosity can vary between how an image is captured on a camera and how the image is broadcast to a monitor.
HDR, using Perceptual Quantizer (PQ), sends a signal along with metadata. This metadata is read by the monitor
which then displays the signal using the luminosity information supplied by the metadata.
HLG sends a combination (hybrid) of the normal Gamma curve for light coding and a logarithmic curve to deliver the
HDR aspects of the signal.
Use the 3D LUT menu to apply and manage the camera's Look-Up Tables (LUTs).
When you are recording in the ProRes format, you can chose to irreversibly encode (bake) the 3D LUT into the
recorded file. For more information, refer to the
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