Komodo operation guide – RED DIGITAL CINEMA KOMODO 6K Digital Cinema Camera (RF) User Manual
Page 39
The LCD switches allow you to view or hide the LCD monitor guides and tools enabled on this screen.
When the switches are selected, a green bar appears on the left side of the switch.
The LCD Guides switch displays the Monitoring
(frame guides and center guide) on the LCD.
The LCD Tools switch displays the Monitoring
(false color, peaking, zebra) on the LCD.
The SDI switches allow you to view or hide the SDI monitor guides and tools enabled on this screen.
When the switches are selected, a green bar appears on the left side of the switch.
The SDI Guides switch displays the Monitoring
(frame guides and center guide) on the SDI output.
The SDI Tools switch displays the Monitoring
(false color, peaking, zebra) on the SDI output.
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