3 config file – PLANET WNAP-3000PE User Manual
Page 46

Select the desired option:
• Install FW if different version found
If selected, and the firmware file at the specified lo-
cation is different to the current installed version, the
FW will be installed. This allows "Downgrades" - in-
stalling an older version of the FW to replace the
current version.
• Install later version only
If selected, the firmware file at the specified location
will only be installed if it is a later version.
FTP Server address
Enter the address (domain name or IP address) of the
FTP Server.
Firmware pathname
Enter the full path (including the FW filename) to the FW
file on the FTP Server.
FTP Login Name
Enter the login name required to gain access to the FTP
FTP Password
Enter the password for the login name above.
7.3 Config File
This screen allows you to Backup (download) the configuration file, and to restore
(upload) a previously saved configuration file.
You can also set the WNAP-3000PE back to its factory default settings.
To reach this screen, select Config File in the Management section of the menu.