RIGOL DM3068 User Manual
Page 72

Chapter 2 Front Panel Operations
User’s Guide for DM3068
Press Corrsp and enter the data of the corresponding physical quantity using
the direction keys. The unit to be used is the one (℃) you have set in step 3.
For different type of sensor, the data range available is different.
Table 2-4 User-defined sensor measurement range
-1100 V to 1100 V
-220 mA to 220 mA
0 Ω to 110 MΩ
0 Ω to 110 MΩ
0 Hz to 1100 kHz
Press Done to finish the input of a pair of data and enter the following interface.
The icon indicates the arithmetic for the data segment behind this data and
before the next arithmetic mark. The default arithmetic for the first data
segment is Line and you can modify it using Edit.
to return to the upper-level menu and create the second group of
data in the same way. From the second group of data on, you can use the
segment function to set the arithmetic for different data segment.
Press SEG ON Arith and select Line or Curve arithmetic type.
Arithmetic of the
Current Data Segment
Start Mark of the Current Data Segment