Reference: what is overprinting – Oki ColorPainter E-64s User Manual

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Reference: What is overprinting?

Overprinting is an effect that expresses two or more overlapping objects with a color that mixes the base and the
object color.

Overprinting off

Overprinting on

The original purpose was to serve as a function to prevent misregistration. Misregistration is when a white gap
occurs due to mechanical problems with precision when, for example, inked text is placed on top of a dark color.
(See the diagram below)
This is called misregistration and it is a typical problem in the printing industry.

Example of misregistration

Overprinting demonstrates its effectiveness when you want to fill in this gap. There are no problems with dark
colors as shown in the diagram, but when white is mixed with the base color, it becomes the same as the base
color, which causes problems to occur such the white text disappearing as was previously mentioned.