Epson Endeavor User Manual
Page 87

5. Locate one of the power supply cables that lead from the
power supply (behind the horizontal drive bays). The
power supply cables may be secured in a plastic band on
the side of the power supply. If so, unfasten the band to free
the cables.
The cables are labelled PA, PB, PC, and PD; you can use any one
that is free. (If your drive requires a small power supply
cable connector, use PD.)
6. Position the power supply cable connector so that its notched
corners line up with the notched corners of the power
supply connector on the hard disk drive. Make sure the
holes fit over all the pins and then push in the connector.
If you do not align the cable connector correctly, you could
severely damage your hard disk drive when you push it in.
Installing and Removing Drives