0 introduction – Magnum Energy MM612 Inverter User Manual
Page 7

2010 Magnum Energy, Inc.
1.0 Introduction
1.0 Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of an MM Series inverter from Mag-
num Energy, Inc. This product is designed to be powerful, yet simple
to use, and provide you with years of trouble-free use.
Please read this chapter to familiarize yourself with the features and
benefi ts of your particular MM Series model.
Figure 1, MM Series Inverter
MM Series Models
MM612 - a 600 watt inverter with 7 amp AC transfer relay. The AC
input and output are provided with pigtail wires to allow hardwiring
to an AC distribution panel. Features neutral-to-ground switching for
mobile applications.
MM1212 - a 1200 watt inverter/charger with 12 amp AC transfer
relay and 70 amp, 4-stage PFC charger. The AC input and output
are provided with pigtail wires to allow hardwiring to a main AC
distribution panel and an inverter sub-panel. Features neutral-to-
ground switching for mobile applications. Includes a 15’ battery
temperature sensor.