LW Scientific OmniVID User Manual
Page 23
automatically according to the system date and time, which is in the
form of year month day-hour min second. During recording, click the
to preview the image recorded.
Time Interval
MicroCap V2.0 provides a useful function for long time automatic
recording of images, Time Interval. To record images automatically
with a certain time interval, go to the Time Interval tab, specify a
folder to store the images, input the time interval and the number of
pictures, and click
button to start recording. You can stop the
recording by clicking button.
Video Recording
To record a video, go to the Video Recording tab and specify a folder
to keep the recorded data. The video is recorded in MPEG4 format
which is supported by most of the operating systems. The naming of
the recorded file is the same as recording a single picture, which is in
the form of year month day-hour min second. Since MPEG4 is a high
quality format, the video file recorded may take too much space of
your hard drive, users are recommended to limit the recording time.