Overview – LinPlug Octopus User Manual
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The Octopus is a 12-note polyphonic, 8-Oscillator hybrid FM
Matrix/Sampling synthesizer with some extraordinary features. The
instrument has a modular design that is divided into 7 modules. These are:
an 8-Oscillator FM Matrix module, a Sampler module, a Filter module
containing 2 multi-mode analog-style filters, an Envelope Editor module, an
Envelope Matrix module, an Effects module containing 4 independent
effects processors, and a dual Step Sequencer module.
With respect to signal generation, the Octopus consists of two independent
modules. Audio signals are created by either a sample or an additive
oscillator that gets pitch information from the synthesizer's MIDI input (either
externally from a hardware device or internally from software). It is
important to remember the MIDI information might be transformed by the
Step Sequencers if they are activated.
The output of each Sampler slot can be sent to either (or both) of the Filters
or the output Mix. The output of each Oscillator can be sent to any of the
the following destinations: an Oscillator (including itself), a Filter or the
output Mix. In addition, the output of each Filter can be sent to an Oscillator,
the other filter or the output Mix. When the output of an Oscillator is sent to
either itself or another Oscillator, the first Oscillator modulates the second
Oscillator in a process called Frequency Modulation (FM) synthesis. It is
important to realise that the result of FM synthesis is not an additive mixture
of the two signals. In fact, one signal modulates the other producing rich,
complex audio spectrums. Oscillator routing is set in the Oscillator matrix.
Following the Filter section is the Octopus' Effects section which contains 4
independent effects processors (chorus, stereo delay, reverb, and
parametric EQ). The effects are in series from left to right according to the
instrument's front panel. Each effects processor is described in detail later
in this manual. Note that the Octopus also contains a distortion effect which
is located in the Master section.
The audio outputs of the Octopus are automatically connected to the input
of your host software's mixer. Here you can set the overall pan position of
the Octopus' output.