Effects – LinPlug Octopus User Manual
Page 34

The Octopus has 4 independent, simultaneously-available stereo effects
modules units. These are Chorus, Delay, Reverb and Equalizer. The four
effects units are located in the Effects module which is located towards the
lower edge of the instrument's front panel.
Effects processing occurs in a left-to-right order which means that the
signal path is as follows: Chorus -> Delay -> Reverb -> Equalizer.
The Power button at the top left of each effects unit is used to set the unit's
status. This can be either On or Off. When the Effects unit is On, the Power
button has a yellow backlight, while when the Effects unit is Off the button's
backlight is darkened. Clicking on the button switches the Effects unit on
and off. When the effects unit is switched off audio passes through it
without being processed.
Each effect's controls differ. All effects are described in detail below.
The Chorus effect is located at the far left of the Effects module. This effect
can be used to thicken a single sound creating the impression that it
contains multiple voices. The Chorus works by mixing delayed signals with
the original signal. The Octopus's Chorus features controls for Time,
Speed, Stereo, Dry, Wet and Invert.